
efficient and economical heating
for any room type

Advantages of

infrared heating systems


2-3 times less energy consumption in comparison with other heating systems


The efficiency of the system is more than 90%. Almost all electricity is converted into heat


Suitable for any room, structure and type of floor covering


Simple and functional control with thermostats with programming

Fast start

Warm up any room from scratch in just 20-30 minutes

Easy installation

Installation for 1 day, does not require screed and additional construction work

about company

a few words about us

more info

Products under TM Hit Plus are supplied to more than 15 countries. The goods produced by Heat Plus in South Korea have passed European certification. Infrared film is also certified for sale and use in Japan, which indicates the high quality of materials and high manufacturability of production.

The production facilities of Seggi Century are located in South Korea. At the moment, this country is a recognized world leader in the development, production and application of infrared film. In many respects, thanks to TM Hit Plus film. Modern equipment and new production technologies allow the company to be one step ahead of competitors in the production of infrared film, due to:
- a wide range of capacities;
- large selection of standard sizes;
- multilayer film structure;
- quality of external coating;
- the thickness of the copper bus and silver coating;
- development of new technological generations of film.


look, how it looks

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    write to us, and we will reply

  • Kiev, Marii Kapnist str. 10a.

    044 502 03 56 (tel/fax)

    Wholesale department
    067 473 84 76

    Retail department
    099 722 89 24

    Technical department
    044 360 11 88