To connect the film Standart with wire

Home Products related materials connection kits To connect the film Standart with wire
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The kit for connecting one strip of infrared film Heat Plus Standart with wire. It is used for fast and simple installation of infrared heating systems.

The kit includes:

- clips for electrical connection of the film - 2 pcs.

- butyl tape for insulation of clips and a copper bus - 0.2 m.

- insulating tape Heath Plus for insulation of clips, copper bus and additional fixation of butyl tape. - 0,6 m.

- wire ПВ3-1,5 - 5+5 (10) m.


The kit for connecting a single strip of infrared film Heat Plus Standart with wire is used for fast and simple installation of infrared heating systems. The set of the kit is designed for connection and isolation of a single band of the Standard film. In this film, you need to connect two clips to the copper busbars, insulate the contact points with butyl tape and insulate the loose ends of the copper bus with the Heath Plus insulation tape.

Installation of infrared film Heath Plus

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