E-pex – heat-reflecting substrate with grounding

Home Products related materials substrates and protective materials E-pex - heat-reflecting substrate with grounding
Recommended retail price286 - 331

E-PEX with grounding, this is a new product in the lantern of heat-reflecting substrates Heat Plus. Heat-reflecting substrate E-pex is used for laying under the film warm floor in order to reduce heat loss and waterproofing. The company's Heat Plus substrate does not conduct electric current, does not allow water vapor and moisture from the screed. It has an increased moisture resistance and protection against condensation, is an environmentally friendly product that does not emit harmful substances into the surrounding area.


Thickness 4-5 mm
Width 1 m
Roll 50 m


Thickness 4-5 mm
Width 1 m
Roll 50 m


E-PEX with grounding, this is a new product in the heat-reflecting substrates of Heat Plus.

Heat-reflecting substrate E-PEX was developed by engineers Seggi Century Plant - for the production of warm film floor Heat Plus leader, especially for installation under floor heating film, in order to heat and waterproofing for lightweight coverings (laminate, parquet, carpet, linoleum, etc. ).

This substrate is significantly better technology for use in warm floors than standard substrate under the floating lungs coating as in its structure it is coating laminated Mylar, which serves to teplootrazheniya lower portion of the infrared radiation Hit Plus film, in addition to insulating properties and gidrobarernym.

The substrate is laid on the entire floor area for a uniform height of the floor covering, insulation from the rough floor. The thickness of E-pex is 4 mm, while the minimum shrinkage at constant pressure is 1-1.5 mm. The additional thickness from the use of a substrate under the floor covering is 3-4 mm.

The main features of the heat-reflecting substrate E-pex:

  • - Earthing layer.
  • - High thermal insulation performance.
  • - Laminated lavsan thermo-reflective coating.
  • - Increased moisture resistance and protection against condensation.
  • - Does not conduct an electric current.
  • - Environmentally friendly material.
  • - It is used for installation under light coatings.


Thickness 4-5 mm
Width 1 m
Length 50 m
Thickness 4 mm
Width 1 m
Roll weight 11 kg
Temperature mode up to + 160 ℃
Thermal conductivity from 0.015 to 0.025 W / m • K.


Foamed PET film (polyethylene terephthalate) with lamination of synthetic polymers (lavsan coating).


Under the light coating (laminate, parquet, carpet, linoleum). It is mounted on a rough floor under a film.

Installation of the heat-reflecting substrate E-pex

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