E-stone – protective heat-distributing substrate

Home Products related materials substrates and protective materials E-stone - protective heat-distributing substrate
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It is used for laying the warm floor system under soft floor coverings (carpet, linoleum, PVC tiles), for uniform heat distribution and creating an additional inertial layer, protection from mechanical damage to the film and to protect against local overheating of the floor covering.

Thickness 3 mm
Dimensions 1,2х1 m
Packaged 10 sheets
Thickness 3 mm
Dimensions 1,2х1 m
Packaged 10 sheets


Seggi Century engineers developed specially for laying under soft floor coverings a protective heat-spreading layer E-stone made of basalt fiber and polyester.

To date, E-stone is the only, unparalleled material developed specifically for the uniform distribution of heat and protection against mechanical damage to the Heat Plus film floor. Not combustible and not emitting free particles into the air. This material is more effective in terms of heat distribution and mechanical protection, than the currently used fiberboard, GVL, etc.

The material layer is laid on the entire surface of the floor for uniform heat distribution and the same height of the floor covering. The thickness of the sheet is 3 mm, which practically does not affect the general rise of the floor.

The sheets of material are placed on top of the infrared film under the floor covering. For ease of installation, E-stone sheets are marked with cut lines. Between each other the plates are fastened with Heat Plus mounting tape.

The main features of the heat-distributing protective substrate E-stone:

  • - Uniform heat distribution over the surface of the floor covering.
  • - Protection against local overheating.
  • - Protection against mechanical damage to the film.
  • - Does not conduct an electric current.
  • - Environmentally friendly material.
  • - It is used for installation under light coatings.


Width 1 m
Length 1,2 m
Thickness 3 mm
Density 1,3 kg per sheet
Temperature mode up to + 300 ℃
Thermal conductivity from 3.0 to 5.0 W / m • K.


Basalt crumb and polymer binder - polyester.


Under the soft coating (carpet, linoleum). It is mounted between the infrared film and the floor covering.

Installation of the heat-reflecting substrate E-stone

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